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Customer Testimonials
"I have found Arachnid Web Hosting an excellent web hosting service.
"Nothing has been too much trouble. If you are having any problems setting up your site they respond immediately. They are very helpful and offer exceptional customer service.
"I shall continue to use their services for a long time to come."
Gerardine Spiers
"What can we say that has not been said before???
"You have really excelled yourselves - we are so happy with what you have done! Considering that we only supplied the bare bones, you have done a fantastic job of bolting it all together.
"Well done Arachnid - we shall only be too pleased to promote you as Web Site Builders Par Supreme!"
Bernard and Anne Knop
"I have found Arachnid Web Hosting to be extremely helpful in every way possible.
"I always received a prompt reply to each and every request. Highly delighted! Cannot recommend them enough!"
Roger Dilks
"Just a quick word to thank you and your technical team for the wonderful help when setting up our website - ""
"The communication & support from both you and the team was first class. We'll be recommending Arachnid Web Hosting to both friends & colleagues. Well done!"
Mike Hynes
"Over the years, I have used quite a number of web-hosting services, these ranged from 'bottom-of-the-barrel outfits to reasonably good ones, but always found them wanting in some way or another.
"But that's all in the past, simply because a business friend recommended 'Arachnid Web Hosting' and, hand-on-heart, I have never looked back.
"Although it may sound a bit OTT, I can categorically state that Arachnid Web Hosting is on a plain of its own. Their after sales service is extremely friendly, personal, and nothing is a bother to them.
"What's more - you can speak to another human being on the telephone if you want to. Although you can contact them by e-mail as well.
"When I first opened my account with them, I was astounded at the untiring help I received when setting up my website, autoresponders, etc. Indeed, I couldn't have got everything up and running without their competance and help...
"The service I've received is par-excellence, far above and beyond the call of duty, in my view. What's more, their prices are more than competitive - extremely good value for money, to say the least.
"I never thought that by having Arachnid as my web hosts, I would also meet sincere friends as well. From now on, there is absolutely no doubt that I am firmly in the clutches of this wonderful 'spider'!"
James Keith. LMPA. MRNT

Arachnid Web Hosting... created by webmasters... developed for everyone.

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